Thursday, August 11, 2011

Think i'm back for good!!

After trying to keep all my thoughts and ideas jailed up in my mind...i think its time i am back to be myself.. irrespective of what others think or feel about things i write..I had few people coming back to me and asking me abt how i managed to bottle up all my feelings without jolting them down in one of the many notebooks i buy...yep i have this obsession to buy all those pretty notepads and notebooks available in Landmark/Archie's and keep them aside to write what ever i feel....But since last year i can see only the book pile increasing and thought process diminishing as everything started looking normal!!
Today after such a long time i feel like writing again....i mean whatever i write no matter how significant it is..i feel like being in touch my myself...Now and then i read the silly entries i made in my internal blog of Infy and laugh aloud wondering how beautiful and childish my thoughts were then!! Now i don't actually think i made a progress in my thought process but some how thoughts and ideas started becoming lil serious simultaneously adding a frown to my face whenever i indulge in thinking!!
 By the way adding again to this post....Folks, I am afraid of dogs...No matter what you think and how you laugh the fact remains the same...I have severe cynophobia and whenever there is an unleashed dog around i just freeze and u can fill a beaker with my tears so plz it might seem funny for u but NOT for me!!

Ok next things next............Went to Dubai this year and had a beautiful and romantic vacation with my sweet heart...had a fantastic time will update the same in my next blog!!

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