Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Back 2 form!!!

After such a long time I’m penning down something….i mena its not a writers block or something since I am not that good a writer…but last few months I am more concerned about getting a JOB…after spending some n number of months at home doing nothing and even putting on a large amount of weight I decided that now is the right time to get work…even if it for a less amount of time also it is going to help me get rid of the @home blues!!!

Anyway got the job…and I am just 2 days old in the company and also 6 cups coffee till now….all I can say is I think I am gonna enjoy the work…!!


Mohith said...

cool & congrats..
where do you work now..

Pavithra said...

Nice!! Finally it looks like you got a job you will love :)

Unknown said...

congrats !! wer do u work ?